What do you do when all of your creative entrepreneurial plans come to a screeching halt due to an unexpected health crisis? (Or any kind of emergency, for that matter!) Do you have a contingency? And how does shifting your priorities and relationship to work effect your self-identity? Not to mention the diagnosis itself??? Listen to the episode or read on at http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/074 Here are a few ways that I would love to connect with you: Email me. Send me an email and let me know why you listen to the show. So no like formal survey or anything. Just email me. Why do you listen to the show? What do you love most about it or what do you get out of it? So that I can make sure that my new content direction is aligned with what you love and what you want and with you. Join my Facebook Community where we create social support for content creators with inspiring prompts, opportunities for you to share your work, talk about money and more. If you are thinking of starting your own podcast, consider doing it together with me and a few friends in the Podcast Envy Launch Pod starting late April 2019. If you already HAVE a podcast and are ready to grow in a meaningful way and make connections, consider the VIP Circle. Join me for Voice Training at Podfest in Orlando! March 7-9, 2019 Get the conference details at https://podfestexpo.com/ Connect with Andrea My favorite hashtags #podcastenvy #podcastboss #podcastgratitude Email or Voice (send me a question to answer on the show!) Facebook Group The Creative Impostor Facebook Page @andreaklunder.creative Instagram: @andreaklunder Oh HEY! I'm on LinkedIn now... dropping pro podcasting tips, insights, and stories. Connect with me there and let me know you're a Creative Impostor listener.