Episode 086. “The talk is called The Flip Side of Loneliness. It addresses my cure for loneliness which, in a nutshell, I believe is an inside job.” ~Monica Rivera Do not be fooled by the length of this show! Brilliant things come in small packages or, in this case, short episodes. In fact, it’s perfect timing especially if you’re considering doing something crazy-brave. Like give a TEDx talk. Her insights are about more than just what’s going through one’s head as they take the TEDx stage. Did I mention that Monica got up in front of a roomful of (mostly) strangers to talk about her experiences with bone-deep loneliness? And yet… when you hear her explain the why and the how of her TEDx Talk, you’re listening to someone who had total conviction in her message. One of my favorite quotes from Monica is humble yourself to know that what you don’t know is really important. She’s speaking of the entire experience, that whiteknuckle ride from speaker application to stage. And we’re all going to have to humble ourselves to things we just don’t know. What we learn about life in the process - about loneliness, about grief, about stepping outside our comfort zones - just might make an excellent TEDx topic. Want to watch Monica Rivera’s TEDx Talk? Yes, you do! YouTube Listen to Monica’s podcast YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! Get the full show notes: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/086 This conversation was recorded live in The Creative Impostor Facebook Group as part of our Online Media Club. Join for free! Next up in the group! November 18th we are chatting with Charlotte Eléa about her new book To Be Worthy. Be on The Creative Impostor for episode 100! Send me a short true story about your experience in your creative life or work inspired by one of THESE previous episode titles. Type it or record your voice and send me an audio file to andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com with subject line: Episode 100. Connect with me Email or Voice andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com Facebook Group The Creative Impostor Facebook Page @andreaklunder.creative Instagram: @andreaklunder Oh HEY! I’m on LinkedIn… dropping pro podcasting tips, insights, and stories. Connect with me there and let me know you’re a Creative Impostor listener.