How can we redefine self-care? Show Notes: " ultimate self-care ritual was turning into an anxiety-creating monster." ~Andrea Klunder It's November -- my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! It's the time of year, where the weather begins to chill, leaves fall from the trees (at least here in the midwest), and nature is calling us to go inside, snuggle up with a cup of tea or cocoa and become more introspective. And yet, the winter holidays are right around the corner and they are so contra to that natural cozy, introspective instinct. They call upon us to give, and go, and move through space and eat sugary goodness... it can be exhausting. So let's explore how in the midst of our work, in the midst of our daily lives, in the flow of everything else, and in the chaos of the holidays, we can create an attitude of self-care that doesn't require us to check-out from everything else around us. "When I had a full-time job, I would get giddy with the idea of taking a mental health day from work using one of my sick days and yet, ever since I became self-employed... I have a really hard time taking mental health days without feeling guilty.” ~Andrea Klunder Resources & Links King Spa (one of my favorite places on earth) NEW! 2018 Creative Collective Studio Memberships available in Chicago AND globally The Creative Impostor Magic page! Get a special gift from Andrea here. Power Your Story -- Created by my high school student podcast mentees!!! "Setting lower expectations and higher boundaries... doing less... lifts a huge weight off my shoulders AND causes my internal creative impostor to throw an existential tantrum you wouldn't believe." ~Andrea Klunder Connect with Andrea Website Facebook Instagram Podcast Envy: Podcast Launch, Craft & Coaching Services Chicago Women's Creative Collective Support the Creative Impostor Andrea's Patreon Page -- where you can support the show, get cool gifts from me and can become an active participant in the creative community! Free Audio Book & 30 day trial membership with (support The Creative Impostor when you sign up!) This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine. The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong. I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you’re listening in Apple Podcasts, PLEASE subscribe and leave a review. It’s how Apple decides which shows people find when they are searching for specific topics like this one.