Did you remember your favorite podcasters this holiday season? Don’t worry! I’ve got some easy, inexpensive gift ideas for you that you can give ALL YEAR LONG! TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen) Leave a review in Apple Podcasts. Subscribe to the show in your favorite app or follow on Spotify. Share a favorite episode with a friend. Interact with the host, however they want you to (i.e. voice feedback, email, Instagram, survey… podcasters are very skilled at telling you want they want!) Follow on social media. I’m @andreaklunder on Insta and on LinkedIn. Buy stuff from their merch store for yourself or other people. Support on Patreon. I’m at http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/craftandculture You’re invited to celebrate 100 episodes with me in 2020. Here’s how… Go to thecreativeimpostor.com/titlelist. Pick one of the episode titles listed there that resonates with you — it could be because you listened to that episode and it pinged something for you — or maybe you didn’t even listen to the episode, it’s just the phrase that holds some meaning. Write (200-300 words) or record audio (2-3min) -ish of a short story about how that phrase, idea, episode either influenced you or has shown up for you in your creative life or work. You don’t need to do any editing. Even just a voice memo on your phone will be great. Email it to me andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com by January 1st, 2020. More details in the show notes at http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/089