Episode 112. "Travel will humble you quickly.” ~Lisa James Mark this episode as your first dose of The Creative Impostor’s cure for cabin fever, a prescription for passport blues and Instagram envy in the time of COVID. Lisa James kicks off a series of conversations with travel storytellers. The woman behind Adventurous Midlifer is challenging the rigid terms by which influencers are defined - and fostering genuine connections along the way. An intrepid adventurer, Lisa’s embraced travel realness since she first grabbed her passport, her backpack, her five-year-old twins and set off Guatemala. In 1999. Pre-5G. Post-Guatemalan civil war. 35 countries later, Lisa’s enjoying her life as the antithesis of Instagram’s typical travel influencer. She’s Black, budget-conscious, and middle-aged. She doesn’t even like taking or posting pictures all that much! Not exactly a POV found with a quick scroll. “I just felt like I wanted to create something where I can talk about what I love - which is travel - but I can talk about what's in my heart, that's relevant to this season in my life, of midlife.” Links, resources, opportunities... You can find them here: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/112 *** Podcast Envy Craft & Culture Get outtakes from this episode along with behind the scenes of The Creative Impostor, and podcasting tips should you choose to create your own show! http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/craftandculture Connect with me Email or Voice andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com Facebook Group The Creative Impostor Facebook Page @thecreativeimpostor LinkedIn @andreaklunder Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor - Screenshot your favorite episode and tag me! LOVE The Creative Impostor? I would LOVE if you could leave me a short & sweet review: http://www.ratethispodcast.com/creative. Send me a screenshot and I might even read it on a future episode.