“…being creative all by yourself really just doesn’t work. It doesn’t! I mean, who are you creating for? If you’re writing, it’s meant to be read. If you’re playing music, it’s meant to be heard. If you’re taking photographs, they’re meant to be seen. If you’re creating a business, it’s meant to serve… someone.” ~Andrea Klunder OH! ITS BEEN TOO LONG since our last episode. September FLEW by but never fear, that can only mean that a LOT has been happening over here… I started two new jobs, one of which is teaching podcasting & digital journalism to special needs high schoolers here in Chicago and THAT has been a huge challenge to wrap my creative brain around. Find out how that’s going AND how to join our creative community for support in your visions, dreams, projects and lifestyle. In this episode, you’ll learn about: The Chicago Women’s Creative Collective (including our origin story) Digital Co-Working for clarity & accountability on your creative goals in The Creative Impostor Facebook Group How to cure your social media anxiety so that you can use it as a tool to share your creative work with authenticity, proper etiquette and a little bit of sass with Betsy Bash! This episode is sponsored by Betsy Bash, a social media agency who can help make you the talk of the town (in a good way!) Connect with Lauren on… Facebook * Twitter * Online Book Club * Website “What DOES help is reminding myself that I do have something that I’m passionate about and that people have told me I’m good at.” ~Lauren Ramsey, Betsy Bash Show Notes Galore: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com Magic Page! Get a free gift from me: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/magic This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine. The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong. I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you’re listening in Apple Podcasts, PLEASE subscribe and leave a review.