“How can I push the boundaries and expand the possibility for what we are creating here together in this podcast relationship through this technological, magical, modern connection that we have?” ~Andrea Klunder Confidence = the decision to try, Self-doubt = the decision not to. What happens when you get bored with the thing you’re creating? You switch it up, try something new, and sometimes… that can make you feel like a total impostor all over again! What do you do then? Take an action, talk to strangers, do the thing so you can be the type of person who does that thing and you can trick your brain out of feeling like a fake. Learn how, listen now… “When you go to a conference… people are there because they want to talk to strangers, they want to expand their network, they want to meet people, they want to make connections… it’s not ‘networking’, and it’s not trying to collect as many business cards as possible… it’s all about making connections… and a lot of times that doesn’t happen in a session.” ~Andrea Klunder Connect with Andrea… FacebookInstagramChicago Women’s Creative Collective Show Notes Galore: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com Magic Page! Get a free gift from me: http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/magic This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine. The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong. I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you’re listening in Apple Podcasts, PLEASE subscribe and leave a review.