

“When I was a kid, I knew exactly who I was… if there was something I wanted to do, I was pretty sure I could figure out a way to make that happen.” ~Andrea Klunder What does it say on your business card? What’s your title? Do you feel like that’s who you are? This episode is all about Identity and in it, you will here about all the crises I’ve had with it by the age of 36. You may even discover a new way to define yourself. This episode is adapted from a talk I gave for Nikki Nigl’s About Women Conversation in Chicago, IL. You can get all the details of About Women at Nikki’s website! AND hear my interview with her on Episode #2 of this podcast. Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * Periscope * Instagram * Tumblr “Identity is not something you’re born with. It’s not something that’s thrust upon you… my identity is something that is unique to me. It’s something I can cultivate. It’s something I can choose.” ~Andrea Klunder Show Notes Galore: Magic Page! Get a free gift from me: This episode was mixed by Edwin R. Ruiz of Mondo Machine. The Creative Impostor theme music was created by JoVia Armstrong. I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you’re listening in Apple Podcasts, PLEASE subscribe and leave a review.
