How to Overcome Burnout | Queer Money Ep. 506

How to Overcome Burnout | Queer Money Ep. 506

In a society that endorses hustle culture, burnout is common. But conventional advice on how to overcome burnout is inadequate. A meditation app, yoga class or scented candle won’t undo the chronic exposure to stress that’s behind our exhaustion. So, how do we identify what’s triggering our stress? And what can we do to reverse our symptoms of burnout? Piggy and Kitty (otherwise known as Jess Fickett and Lauren Torres) are the award-winning bloggers and podcasting team behind Bitches Get Riches, a platform that helps young people become competent adults in their finances, careers and personal lives. They are also the creators of The Burnout Workshop, a self-guided course designed to empower students to recognize what’s triggering their burnout and design a concrete plan for change. On this episode of Queer Money, Jess and Lauren join us to explain what happens to us physiologically when we experience consistent, ongoing exposure to high levels of stress. Jess and Lauren explain why institutional or systemic factors make you more prone to burnout than personal factors, challenging us to use our privilege to get rid of burnout culture in the workplace. Listen in for insight on maintaining a high quality of life while pursuing your goals and learn how Jess and Lauren’s Burnout Workshop can help you overcome burnout for a healthier, happier life! For the resources and to connect with our guests, get the show notes at: Follow us: Queer Money Instagram Queer Money YouTube Queer Money on Tiktok Download your FREE Queer Money Kickstarter a 9-step Guide to Kickstart Your Journey to Financial Independence Mentioned in this episode: We're taking Queer Money on the road! From Los Angeles, CA to Winooski, VT, we'll be visiting cities and towns all across the U.S. this summer and fall. Find out where via the link below. QMLT Live 2024
