This week's episode is brought to you by For the Interested Head over to subscribe for FREE and receive one of the very best newsletters out there AND an 80-minute Social Media Mastery Video just for letting Josh know I sent you. I know you will love it. This week I share a damn good conversation hosted by someone else. Brian Levenson recently invited me on his podcast, Intentional Performers. Today I present that conversation to you. If you find Brian's work here that would bring me joy. If you learn more about my mission through Brian's questions, that's great too. I love being a guest on great podcasts, so if you host one, reach out if you think I could bring value to your listeners. It would be an honor. Last thing: I am launching a Damn Good Conversations Coaching Community. We will begin our work and play together around Valentine's Day. I am capping the group at 10 amazing people who want to transform their communication skills while connecting with podcasters, authors, and professionals all over the world. It's happening. Reach out HERE if I should reserve a spot for you. As always, thanks for listening! --Joe