This conversation will be available on YouTube This week I share my conversation with New York Yankees #1 Prospect Anthony Volpe. I chose to close out 2022 with a damn good conversation with a world-class athlete that has had incredible success, yet is far from his dream. I hope this episode inspires you wherever it finds you on your 1% better quest. If you are about to begin, take lessons from Anthony about starting out. If you are so close to the success you crave that you can taste it, think about how much lies just out of reach for Anthony as of today. Anthony smiled more than any guest I have ever interviewed, and fortunately, I caught it all on video HERE If you need help on your journey, head to my website or email me Special thanks to Kyle Wagner for setting this conversation in motion. Hope your 2022 was amazing and that your 2023 is 1% better! See you there! As always thanks for listening to Episode 248! --Joe