Autumn and adrienne are thrilled to welcomeDr. Eve L. Ewing to get deep into her new book, Original Sins: The (Mis)education of Black and Native Children and the Construction of American Racism. Dr. Ewing is also the author of Electric Arches, Ghosts in the Schoolyard, 1919, and Maya and the Robot. She writes comic books, including Exceptional X-Men and Ironheart and Black Panther. And TV, and theater, and a lot of other things as well. She's an associate professor in the Department of Race, Diaspora, and Indigeneity at the University of Chicago, where she teaches courses on education and racial inequality and directs the Beyond Schools Lab.Dr. Ewing is also a cultural organizer, which means she works collectively with other people to to build and nurture creative communities, and strive for social transformation through artistic and cultural practices.In this engaging conversation, we learn about Dr. Ewing's teaching experiences, and her reflections on the difference between school and educations. The conversation flows through themes of Afrofuturisms and imaging alternatives to our current moment. They explore the tension between education as liberation versus control, and the implications of these narratives on contemporary schooling and the carceral system. --- TRANSCRIPT --- SUPPORT OUR SHOW! - --- HTS ESSENTIALS SUPPORT Our Show on Patreon PEEP us on IG