Treat your guests like the best (better than Gloria Steinem)

Episode 077. “This is a pet peeve of mine, when hosts tell you in the intro all the things that you are about to hear in the interview, so that when you do hear it in the interview, it’s no longer fresh because you already told me about it in the intro." ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss Last week, I was driving down the road on a sunny day in my new-to-me Prius and I clicked on a podcast in my queue that I had been looking forward to dedicating an hour to —  a high profile show, on a major network, with a production team, and a celebrity host — a show I generally quite like depending on the guest. This episode I was PARTICULARLY excited to listen to because she had Gloria Steinem on the show and surprisingly Ms. Steinem has NOT been on a ton of podcasts as of late. So I was ready for an inspiring, thoughtful, fiery conversation and to my chagrin... Listen to the episode to find out what got my Podcast Boss hackles up about this interview! Peace, love & podcasting, Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss Get the full show notes at: Podcast Angel: Podcast Envy Pro Pod Surround yourself with your very own amazing community of podcasting professionals who’ve got your back. Including me, but not JUST me! The Podcast Envy Pro Pod is launching in 2021 with a highly curated network of creative professionals who podcast (ahem — that’s you!)  who will meet monthly in real time to workshop a challenge, question, or opportunity of one of our members. To learn more and apply click the link in the show notes for this episode to This program is for creative business leaders within any industry or niche with at least 6 months podcasting experience. We will not be covering the basics of “how to podcast,” rather deeper topics for which you can’t just Google the answer or post in a Facebook Group. The deadline to apply is DECEMBER 5th 2020, so don’t wait! Together we’ll solve your most pressing questions around growth, sustainability, craft and culture for your show. Apply for the waitlist for the very first cohort! Not sure yet? Book a quick call with me and we'll talk through it together. Connect with me Email Instagram: @thecreativeimpostor LinkedIn: @andreaklunder (I only accept connections from people I actually know, so include a message to say you're a Podcast Envy listener.) *** Do you LOVE Podcast Envy? What's your fave episode? What have you learned? What mistakes have I saved you from making with your show? I'd LOVE if you would leave me a review. Here's where you can do that:
