Our trio of rebels have continued with their review of Star Wars: Rebels, now on the penultimate series; season 3 - the first full showing of Thrawn in canon, with a continuation of Maul’s story! THERE ARE MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE AHSOKA TRAILER WITHIN THIS CONVERSATION – BE WARNED! For more detail; in this episode they discuss how season 3 feels different from the prior 2, as well as the full introduction to Legends favourite Thrawn, discussing Maul’s involvement in this season and his relationship with Ezra, how Kanan’s blindness affects his character, Saw Gerrera’s involvement before his appearance in Rogue One, how much Dave loves AP-5, as well as top moments/episodes, low points and what Maff predicts for the finale in Season 4 (which will be out soon)! Watch the video version on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/tBT6vOB2_DE This episode is a sequel to the second season of Rebels and the trio’s second RR episode, so make sure you go back and listen to that if you haven’t already! Make sure you rate/review and send Mike the screenshot, so he can send you some free bonus content of your choice (including reviews/overviews of the canon Thrawn novels) - send via social media or to GenuineChitChat@outlook.com! Maff is @MaffUK78 on Twitter and appeared on the weekly discussion shows for Andor and The Last of Us, as well as on the Villains Super Draft: https://pod.fo/e/15d0b5 - A Dummies Guide To Geekdom, talking Dungeons & Dragons: https://pod.fo/e/1644e9 - and is on Spider-Dan’s bear-filled Grizzly/Prophecy episode: https://pod.fo/e/16274d You can find Dave on Twitter @SeattleDojos or listen to him guesting on various Comics In Motion shows, as well as on the VHS Strikes Back: https://linktr.ee/vhsstrikesback and Chris & Dave’s Reality TV Cast: https://anchor.fm/cdrealitycast Mike & Dave spoke about the Tales Of The Jedi animated series here: https://pod.fo/e/152525 Mike hosts Star Wars: Comics In Canon every week on Comics In Motion & YouTube and you can find all of Mike’s podcast shows & social media details here: https://linktr.ee/GenuineChitChat To support Mike, you can rate/review the show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts & other podcast apps, you can share the show or support financially. You can give a one-off payment/donation at https://ko-fi.com/genuinechitchat or you can subscribe monthly at https://Patreon.com/GenuineChitChat - either option will give you access to the exclusive “Afterthoughts” episodes. Patreons get access to weekly episodes plus every past episode (even when paying £1 a month) while Ko-fi tippers will be able to choose some episodes, depending on how much they give - any and all support of this nature is hugely appreciated! Find us on social media at @ComicsInMotionP or email us at comicsinmotionpodcast@gmail.com!