This week Mike embarks on the first volume of the 2020 main Star Wars run, set moments after the end of Empire Strikes Back called The Destiny Path! Luke searches for his lost lightsaber, so heads back to Cloud City with Leia & R2-D2, plus Lando returns searching for an old friend, all while the group evade the pursuing Empire! Mike goes through the plot & gives plenty of details to other connections including the Pathfinders, Ugnaughts, Weequay and more! This story is set just after Empire Strikes Back (& after the first run of the Star Wars, but before the War Of the Bounty Hunters crossover). The writer for these comics is Charles Soule, Jesús Saiz was the artist, plus Jesús Saiz was the co-colour artist on issues 1 & 6, with Arif Prianto as colour artist on issues 1-6, with Rachelle Rosenberg assisting on issue 4 and Dan Brown assisting on issue 5. Issue 1 was released January 2020, Issue 6 was released September 2020 and the trade paperback collection was released November 2020. If you want haven’t listened to Mike’s episodes on the 2015-2019 run of Star Wars comics, start with episode 9 and if you want to hear about the Lando mini-series, check out episode 18! Check out the last episode of SWCIC where Mike did another spoiler-free book review from the High Republic era; Into The Dark by Claudia Gray! Mike gives a bit of information on the other releases for The High Republic (the first two waves within Phase 1) and then delves into his spoiler-free review; primarily providing information from the blurb and within the first few pages; talking about the book’s themes, what he enjoyed about it and how it impacts the rest of The High Republic. Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases 1 or 2 episodes of his “Afterthoughts” a week, plus unsplit full-length episodes of GCC, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics) & more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check out Mike & Megan spoke with Alex & Mollie of Star Wars Explained, you can listen on this very feed or check out the video version on YouTube here: Mike along with 5 other members of Comics In Motion discussed Art Spiegelman's Maus in the 2nd CiM Book Club: Mike on the Have Not Seen This podcast, talking about The Way Way Back: Find Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook! Intro & outro by BZ The Voice: Intro arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at