Comics in Motion is proud to partner with Lenovations Press! Check out their high quality independent comics here. This Week, Tony is joined by Kevin, founding member of the brilliant We see the world in Ben-day dots website. Kevin suggested Avery Hill’s majestic book: Victory Point Owen D. Pomery On a summer's day, Ellen returns to the coastal town she grew up in, the picturesque, yet architecturally strange, Victory Point. Revisiting old haunts and people from her past, she feels increasingly disconnected from her previous life, and exhausted by the constant struggle of trying to forge the path ahead. Exploring a town, which itself is an experiment in how to live, Ellen searches for some comfort in her own history that might just give her the strength to move forward. Victory Point quietly explores the idea of how we choose to live and be remembered, asking whether we should strive for a higher calling, or if a simple, domestic legacy is the most honest and admirable achievement we can hope for. And if the land from which we disembark feels as alien as the one we hope to reach, how does anyone make their peace with a life amongst the ever-changing ocean waves? Comics in Motion is now a Humble Bundle Partner. If you want to talk with Tony about comics or to suggest any future shows, please connect with him on Twitter @Tricycleboombox. You can read his reviews of multiple Independent and DC comics at DC Comics News or at Fantastic Universes. You can find him online and send him an email at