Mike embarks on the final Star Wars comics written by Kieron Gillen; The Scourging Of Shu-Torun! These comics include another appearance by Queen Trios, as well as The Partisans (Saw Gerrera’s Rebel extremists), Tunga; the shapeshifting clawdite, infiltration, destruction and the death-worshipping Cult Of The Central Isotoper! In the last 10 minutes of this recording, Mike talks about the new Comics In Motion Book Club, what’s coming over the next few weeks of SWCIC, recent guest spots & other suchlike. This arc is set around 1 ABY (1 year after A New Hope, 2 years before Empire Strikes Back). All issues were written by Kieron Gillen, with Guru eFX as colour artist and Angel Unzueta as artist on issues 63-67, with Andrea Broccardo as artist on issue 62. Issue 62 was released March 2019, issue 67 was released June 2019 and the trade paperback collection was released August 2019. Queen Trios first appears in episode 23 of SWCIC (Vader volume 3) and if you want to check out the previous arcs for the main run of Star Wars comics, check out episodes 9, 13, 19, 21, 27, 36, 40, 44, 48, 53 & 57 of SWCIC! Check out the last episode of SWCIC where Mike embarked on the first 5 issues of the War Of The Bounty Hunters 34-issue crossover event, which forms “the prelude”! This story takes place just after Empire Strikes Back; carbonite-frozen Han Solo is stolen from Boba Fett on his way to collecting the bounty from Jabba The Hutt and now the whole galaxy is after Solo, including Luke & Chewie, Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra, Beilert Valance, Dengar and many other bounty hunters - this is the crossover event of the decade, so is not one to be missed! Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases 1 or 2 episodes of his “Afterthoughts” a week (with 3 episodes now *FREE* to anyone: season 1 of The Witcher, The Phantom Menace & Spider-Man 3!), plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics for this very show) and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at http://patreon.com/genuinechitchat If you just want to hear M&M’s talk about Spider-Man 3, check it out here for free: http://bit.ly/Spiderman3AT Keep an eye out for the Comics In Motion Book Club, releasing soon, with the first episode tackling the first volume of the 2017 Darth Vader comic run! Mike was on a recent episode of the I Like To Like Things podcast, talking about his favourite TV show (and no, it’s not Star Wars): https://spoti.fi/3xtlBoJ Mike is on episode 21 of the podcast Geek Talks on the Fantastic Universes feed: https://spoti.fi/3fOJT5h Mike was on ep 37 of What's The Topic, to talk about the first episode of Loki, check it out on this very feed: https://spoti.fi/2SkIwDT Mike also appeared on episode 16 Frank Burton’s I Like The Sound podcast: https://spoti.fi/3ue8ma3 Find Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook Intro arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at www.soundimage.org