This week, Tony is joined by Co-Host Ria and Ada McCartney is back to cover her suggestion of the award winning epic: SAGA. You can read the first issue here. Saga is an epic space opera/fantasy comic book series created by writer Brian K. Vaughan and artist Fiona Staples, published monthly by Image Comics. The series is heavily influenced by Star Wars, and based on ideas Vaughan conceived both as a child and as a parent. It depicts two lovers from long-warring extraterrestrial races, Alana and Marko, fleeing authorities from both sides of a galactic war as they struggle to care for their newborn daughter, Hazel, who occasionally narrates the series. Ria’s Twitter: @RiaCarrogan – Ria has her own show called Femme On Film that airs on the feed of Comics In Motion (with 3 episodes out thus far, including one in November 2021 with Tonya about Grease 2) plus she can also be found on Pop Guerrillas, Seasons Greetings & Indie Comics Spotlight, all of which are found here: If you want to talk with Tony about comics or to suggest any future shows, please connect with him online and send him an email at