This week, Mike tackles the 6-part arc in the main run of Star Wars comics; Mutiny At Mon Cala, which includes the rebels trying to break the Empire’s stronghold on the Mon Calamari’s fleet and their people, a rescue mission, a space battle, a shapeshifter in a 5-hour long opera and more! These stories were written by Kieron Gillen with Salvador Larroca as the artist and Guru eFX as the colour artist. Issue 44 was released March 2018, 49 was released June 2018 and the trade paperback collection was released August 2018. Be sure to check out episode 7 of SWCIC for the Allegiance mini-series (a Mon Cala story set in the sequel era), plus check out the first 3 episodes of season 4 of the Clone Wars for the Mon Cala civil war arc – also keep an eye out for future episodes of SWCIC where Mike will tackle the 2017 run of Vader comics, issues 13-18 serve as a prequel story to this one! The last episode of SWCIC was a book review, where Mike gives some information on The High Republic era before delving into the 3-part review - the first is completely spoiler free, with some vague information on the book’s themes, vehicles & etc while the second will have some very light spoilers, plot details and character information with the last part giving more information about certain aspects and Mike does not spoil the story or what happens to any characters in this recording! Mike now has a Patreon, where this review was released a day early and there’s an exclusive new show “Afterthoughts”, with 2 episodes being *FREE* to anyone – one of which is S1 of the Witcher series and the other is The Phantom Menace, as Mike & Megan have started a full Star Wars run-through! Plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of his other show, Genuine Chit-Chat, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics for this show) and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at Mike was on the 20th Century Geek podcast to talk about his 3 “Desert Island Comics” here: Mike & Megan were also on the Batman retrospective on 20th Century Geek, where they discuss Batman ’66, the four Burtonverse Batman movies, Mask Of The Phantasm and the Dark Knight trilogy, check it out part 1 here: Mike was recently on Podcasts We Listen To, speaking about his show Genuine Chit-Chat and next week he talks all about this show and his love of Star Wars: Mike appeared on episode 76 Frank Burton’s Ragbag podcast: Find Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook! Intro theme arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at