The Acolyte continues, but due to his own busyness, Mike doesn’t have a guest this week so he’s tackling episode 6 solo! In this episode Mike expands upon his own thoughts on the show as a whole, noting what he thinks is working, what isn’t, and how the show’s format could be improved. He then talks about his thoughts on the remaining characters in Acolyte, how much content was actually in this week’s episode and what he hopes for the future! Mike & Megan recently appeared on Spider-Dan & The Secret Bores to talk about District 9 for Alien Month! Listen here: Mike, Dave & Maff discuss episodes of The Clone Wars animated series every month and they’re currently in Season 3, so tune in wherever you’re listening to this and you can even watch on YouTube! Find all of Mike’s social media & other links at Sign up to the Pop Culture Collective newsletter here to keep up to date with Mike and other incredible creator’s many releases: Support Mike on Patreon for weekly bonus audio content and early access, all from only £1 per month: Mike's Other Podcast Appearances: Mike & Megan returned to Back To The Filmography to talk about Jason Statham in The Meg: Disney Discussions 12; about The Rocketeer & Condorman, with Mike, Megan, Dan & Ria: Mike chatted Dune 1984 and Part 1 (2021) with the 20th Century Geek: