Comics in Motion is proud to partner with Lenovations Press! Check out their high quality independent comics here. Please support the new Kickstarter HERE! This week, Tony is joined by artist, writer and all around great guy, Jason Howard to talk about his brilliant book from Image Comics: Big Girls. When men become giant monsters destroying the world, only girls can stop them -- BIG GIRLS. Meet Ember, she writes poetry, loves to read, she's 300 feet tall and her full time job is killing monsters! Her and the other girls are all that stand in the way of our world's complete annihilation! Critically acclaimed artist JASON HOWARD (TREES) takes the full creative reins, writing and drawing a tale that could be described as a cross between JOHN WICK & GODZILLA by way of HBO's GIRLS Comics in Motion is now a Humble Bundle Partner. If you want to talk with Tony about comics or to suggest any future shows, please connect with him on Twitter @Tricycleboombox. You can read his reviews of multiple Independent and DC comics at DC Comics News or at Fantastic Universes. You can find him online and send him an email at