We’re back, as are Mando and Grogu, for another season of gunslinging Mandalorian action, so it’s another season of discussions and this week is Guns For Hire! For episode six, Mike & Megan take the lead while on their way to London for Star Wars Celebration, talking about the newest episode, Megan’s views on The Mandalorian series & other live-action shows, Star Wars Rebels gets mentioned, the 3 cameos are discussed, Mandalorian culture, the Mon Calamari/Quarren wars and so much more! You can listen to this on any podcast app, or watch the video version at https://youtube.com/genuinechitchat! Find Megan @GrittsGetsFit on Instagram, or consider going to http://patreon.com/genuinechitchat, where Mike has released several exclusive Star Wars Legends book reviews & overviews AND at least 1 episode of “Afterthoughts” is out each week, with over 150 in the back-catalogue, the majority are Megan & Mike’s reviews with some solo book reviews from Mike, plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of his Genuine Chit-Chat podcast and more! Subscribe to the Pop Culture Collective Newsletter for weekly updates on both of Mike’s shows, the Femme On Collective and plenty of other incredible creators, here: https://pccnewsletter.com Episode/season 1 of Mike, Maff & Dave’s new show; Rebels Reviewed is out now too, so go listen on any podcast app or watch on YouTube: https://pod.fo/e/166659 - https://youtu.be/oVXItTYLe68 Mike hosts Star Wars: Comics In Canon every week on Comics In Motion & YouTube and you can find all of Mike’s podcast shows & social media details here: https://linktr.ee/GenuineChitChat Mike’s Other Star Wars Content: Mike & Dave spoke about the Tales Of The Jedi animated series here: https://pod.fo/e/152525 Mike was on Stevie B’s YouTube to talk Star Wars: https://youtu.be/McbWHBMZQxM Find us @ComicsInMotionP on Twitter & Instagram and facebook.com/ComicsInMotionPodcast