This week sees the Don Corleone of Star Wars: Comics In Canon, Mike Burton, take the seat in the host chair along with Dave Horrocks. Mike and Dave dig into how well the series is knitting in the continuity from the movies, the comics and the cartoons. As well as the episode itself, directed by Carl Weathers himself, and some things you may have missed. And can Baby Yoda be any more cute? Please subscribe to Mike’s YouTube channel as once he gets to 100 subscribers, he can change the YouTube channel link: ANY VIEWERS IN 2022 AND ONWARD! Make sure you tune into the Book Of Boba Fett discussion show where Mike & various guests discuss each chapter of the new series week-by-week, you can listen on this very feed, or on Mike’s YouTube channel! For Mike's review on Last Shot, Dark Disciple & other SW books (including some Legends books), check out Mike’s Patreon where he also releases an episode of Afterthoughts each week, has early access to Genuine Chit-Chat episodes & more so if you want to support the show, check out Get some great deals at Humble Bundle and support the shows on the Comics In Motion Network: If you want to contact the show please get in contact on our social media channels: - - Also you can find Mike (and a bunch of Star Wars content) on socia media @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook!