This week, Mike embarks on the penultimate Doctor Aphra story-arc from the 2016 run; The Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon! In addition to detailing what this superweapon is, these issues give backstory to Aphra’s relationship with her mother and shows a huge amount of trickery & madness (as standard with Aphra), plus Mike gives information on RA-7 protocol droids, Gigorans, some of the artifacts in the Empire’s Gallery Of Peace and more of the connecting tissue between this story & the rest of the Star Wars universe! At the end of this episode Mike gives information on next week’s episode, War Of The Bounty Hunters, as well as what you can expect from SWCIC over the coming months. These comics are set between A New Hope & Empire Strikes Back, after all 2015 Vader comics. These comics were all written by Simon Spurrier, Chris O’Halloran was the colour artist on all issues (with Stephane Paitreau on 32-34) Pencillers were; Wilton Santos on all issues bar 35 with Andrea Broccardo on 33-35, Caspar Wijngaard on 32 & 33 and Cris Bolson on 34 & 36. Inkers were: Marc Deering on issues 32-35, Walden Wong was on 33, 34 & 36 with Don Ho on issue 32 and Scott Hanna on issue 35. Issue 32 was released in May 2019, issue 36 was released September 2019 and the trade paperback collection was released December 2019. For the previous episodes of Aphra, check out episodes 55, 51, 46, 42, 36 & 34 of SWCIC! Check out the last episode of SWCIC where Mike tackled the second half of the 12-issue Kanan comics run; First Blood! The story-arc shows flashbacks of Kanan’s time as a youngling in the Jedi temple, his relationship with his master Depa Billaba and his first missions in the clone wars along with a “present day” story set around season 1 of Star Wars Rebels! Mike also spoke about Bacta, Jedi temple guards, Fenn Rau and many more connections! Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases 2 episodes of his show “Afterthoughts” a week (with 2 episodes are *FREE* to anyone: season 1 of The Witcher and the review of The Phantom Menace), plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics for this very show) and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content for only £1 a month, check it out at Keep an eye out for the Comics In Motion Book Club, releasing soon, with the first episode tackling the first volume of the 2017 Darth Vader comic run! Check out Mike’s other podcast, Genuine Chit-Chat where he recently spoke with Matt B Lloyd (Classic Comics) about Star Wars comics from the 80s, newspaper strips and more: Mike was on ep 37 of What's The Topic, to talk about the first episode of Loki, check it out on this very feed: Mike is on episode 21 of the podcast Geek Talks on the Fantastic Universes feed: Mike also appeared on episode 16 Frank Burton’s I Like The Sound podcast: Mike & 4 other members of CiM did a 5-person discussion on Zack Snyder’s Justice League, on this very feed: Mike was on the 20th Century Geek to talk about his 3 “Desert Island Comics” here: Find Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook Intro theme arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at