A wrap up of one plot line, while the seeds for the next one are sown! Why does Bruce Wayne seem to be betraying the JSA, and what do Power Girl, Star-Spangled Kid and Wildcat find beneath the Earth? You can follow the show @ComicsLloyd on Twitter or send an email to ClassicComicsMBL@gmail.com. You can find me on Twitter @MattB_Lloyd and at www.dccomicsnews.com where I write reviews and edit news stories. You can also check out my chapter in “Politics in Gotham: The Batman Universe and Political Thought.” https://www.amazon.com/Politics-Gotham-Universe-Political-Thought/dp/3030057755 “Black Panther and Philosophy: What Can Wakanda Offer the World?” https://www.amazon.com/Black-Panther-Philosophy-Blackwell-Culture/dp/1119635845/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2F69N3WJBZMF3&keywords=what+can+wakanda&qid=1642053514&sprefix=what+can+wakanda%2Caps%2C256&sr=8-1 “Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Arkham’s Souls” https://www.amazon.com/Batmans-Villains-Villainesses-Multidisciplinary-Perspectives-ebook/dp/B0C5SHX9BJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=D49SBV4K1UQD&keywords=villains+and+villainess+arkham&qid=1695406720&sprefix=villains+and+villainesses+arkaham%2Caps%2C284&sr=8-1