Welcome to the first episode of a new show; the Comics In Motion Book Club, where a group of people get together once a month for a (somewhat) civilised discussion on a comic of the host’s choice! In this month’s episode, Mike Burton is the host and he’s joined by Dave Horrocks & Matthew B Lloyd to discuss the first volume of the 2017 Darth Vader comic run by Charles Soule (found on Marvel Unlimited, Hoopla, Comixology & more)! The trio discuss their general thoughts on Vader as a character, the story & art-styles within these 6 comics, how they relate to other Star Wars content, favourite elements, flaws, their interpretations & much more – it will be filled with spoilers so be sure to read the comic before-hand, or listen to episode 62 of Star Wars: Comics In Canon (where Mike goes through the narrative and confirms many of the details that connect to the wider Star Wars universe)! All issues were written by Charles Soule, with Giuseppe Camuncoli as penciller, Cam Smith as inker and David Curiel as colour artist. Issue 1 was released June 2017, issue 6 was released October 2017 and the trade paperback collection was released December 2017. If you enjoyed this volume of Darth Vader, Mike recommends checking out two of Soule's other works; The Rise Of Kylo Ren (4-part mini-series) & The Light Of The Jedi (Star Wars High Republic novel). Dave recommends X-Men: Magneto Testament (2008) and Matt recommends James Robinson’s Starman Run (1994-2001) and Anne Rice’s Interview With A Vampire novel. Next month, Dave will be the host for the Art Spiegelman graphic novel; Maus (parts I & II) – so be sure to read this and send your thoughts and questions in to Comics In Motion via social media (@ComicsInMotionP) or via email (comicsinmotionpodcast@gmail.com). Catch Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook. Star Wars: Comics In Canon on Comics In Motion every Saturday and his other show, Genuine Chit-Chat airs on it’s own feed every Sunday (check out Genuine Chit-Chat on YouTube where Mike uploads all episodes of both of these shows)! Catch Dave @SeattleDojos on Twitter, on the TV & Movies show every Friday and his other shows on different feeds; VHS Strikes Back, Back To The Office and Chris & Dave’s Reality Cast! Catch Matthew B Lloyd @MattB_Lloyd and @ComicsLloyd on Twitter, his show Classic Comics airs every other Monday on Comics In Motion and Matt also writes reviews for https://dccomicsnews.com - Batman: Politics In Gotham is the book that Matt contributed to and it can be found here for UK: https://amzn.to/3eVxwW5 or here for US: https://amzn.to/3w8jaah