Each episode will see members of the Comics In Motion family take up on opposite sides of a geek battle! In the dock this week is the 1984 movie, Ghostbusters. Chris accuses this movie of being a huge disappointment and Peter Venkman in particular. A film he loved as a kid with a lot of great history but on re-watch he hated his hero Peter Venkaman (Bill Murray). He believes it ruins the film having a sexual 'deviant as a lead character and it hasn't aged well. In the defences corner is the great Scott Weatherly from 20th Century Geek . Scott is one of the biggest Ghostbusters fan ever. He goes for Chris after his accusations against Venkman and the movie. Our judge trying to keep these two in check is the wonderful Dan Belgrave from great podcast - Superheroes for Dummies. He does a fine job on todays show. If you want to contact the show please get in contact on our social media channels: www.twitter.com/comicsinmotionp comicsinmotionpocast@gmail.com