Welcome, to the Super Draft! In this episode, Ria (Femme On Film, Pop Guerillas, Indie Comics Spotlight) and IamJacsMusings (Back to the Filmography, Pop Guerillas, Indie Comics Spotlight) go head to head to pick their best teams of 5 Femme Fatales. To see the final teams and vote for which you think is the best, head to Comicsinmotionp on Twitter: https://twitter.com/comicsinmotionp Let us know your thoughts and tell us who you would have picked. May the best team win! A full list of the rules can be found at https://www.superdummy.co.uk/draft/draft-rules/ Ria can be found at https://twitter.com/riacarrogan Jac is at https://twitter.com/IAmJACsMusings And host 'SuperDummy' Paul is at https://twitter.com/PaulDaMac