How Alejandra Campoverdi Traced Her Family’s Invisible Inheritances

How Alejandra Campoverdi Traced Her Family’s Invisible Inheritances

She navigated her way from “wannabe chola” to first-gen college student to White House aide to President Obama. But those bullet-points fail to capture the messiness and pain that exist in making the leap from one to the other. In her new memoir, First Gen, Alejandra is naming everything from the “Invisible Inheritances” we each contend with, to the “Trailblazer Toll” we pay for breaking those cycles and becoming the first. Find First Gen here. Follow Alejandra on Instagram @acampoverdi. If you liked this episode, listen to Why Aida Rodriguez Believes in Giving Grace and Julissa Natzely Arce Raya Wants You to Reclaim Your Identity. LTL is coming to a city near you! Subscribe to our email list and let us know where we should record next.
