Let's Talk Latina Power in This Election

Let's Talk Latina Power in This Election

She Se Puede founders Jess Morales Rocketto and Stephanie Valencia get real about what’s at stake this election, including Covid recovery, the environment, and immigration policy. Stephanie reminds us there are lives on the line. Jess encourages us to think about how our choices affect others. And Alicia gets emotional about the power of the Latino vote. Follow Jess Morales Rocketto on Instagram @jesslivemo and Stephanie Valencia on Twitter @stephanievalenc. She Se Puede is on Instagram @she_sepuede. If you loved this episode, listen to Political Power Player Cecilia Muñoz Reminds Us That We Are ‘More Than Ready’ and Two Latina Activists on Latinos' Place in Anti-Blackness. Show your love and become a Latina to Latina Patreon supporter!
