In this subliminal meditation, I’m repeating soothing affirmations, encouraging you to relax fully in order to feel peaceful and safe in your body & life. In a subliminal meditation, the sound of my voice is low enough that it’s not quite audible to the conscious mind but fully felt and received by the subconscious mind 👂🏻 I recommend listening with over-ear headphones if possible. 🎧 {The subliminal track starts around the 6:00 mark} Your subconscious mind is the programmed and programable aspect of your mind, it’s the true creative power behind your larger experience and the part of you that keeps your body balanced and vital without your conscious attention. By programming it to naturally and effortlessly feel safe, you’ll find yourself reconnecting to your baseline of peace, relaxation, stability and wellbeing. You can listen to this meditation at any time, however right before you fall asleep is an especially potent time to imprint your subconscious your desired feelings & state of being. Affirmations I'm speaking: I am safe. It’s safe for me to relax. Peace is my natural state of well-being. All is well. It’s safe for me to be myself. I am so supported, nourished, and held in this moment. I let myself relax and enjoy my now moment. All is deeply and truly well. More Purely Being 💖 ✨ Instagram | @purelybeing ✨ Website | #guidedmeditation #self-help #subliminal #relaxation #safe