⛈ Storm Watching | Harnessing The Incredible Power of Your Emotions

⛈ Storm Watching | Harnessing The Incredible Power of Your Emotions

Your body is an entire universe unto itself and your emotions are the climate. Just like there's no such thing as bad weather, there's no such thing as "bad" emotions either. Every emotional experience comes bearing a gift! Storms clear, release, and reset. In this meditation, we're practicing witnessing & allowing the inner storms from the stable ground of your essential being. Meditation Mantra: I can just watch and observe the energy in me. It's no threat to me. Supportive Witnessing Meditations: Observing Without Evaluating Daily Living Meditation: Emotional Awareness "Hello" Meditation for Gentle Emotional Awareness Emotional Digestion Meditation for Mind-Body Liberation Fear is Just a Sensation Your Sensational Now Witnessing the Witness Honour, Own, Embody Mantra Meditation Recycle Emotions Back to Love A Moment of Being Emotional Integration Meditation for Deep Healing 5-Minute Simple Breath Meditation More Purely Being 💖 ✨ Instagram | @purelybeing ✨ Website | www.purelybeing.com
