Today we’ll be focusing on your physical body and releasing any negative stories or points of insecurity you may be holding about it. Energetically, spending a lot of time feeling shame or insecurity about a certain part of your experience creates a hotspot of energy that actually draws attention. No matter how you look, there is no part of you that you should feel bad about or hide — at all. These parts of you are not inherently “wrong” and it’s not your job to feel bad about yourself or your body. And believe it or not, you can re-wire your thoughts and feelings towards at the very least neutrality, but certainly acceptance and even love and appreciation for every part of who you are! The more you accept yourself, the more you accept others, and the cycle of acceptance grows. The less you judge yourself, the less you judge others, and the process of liberation becomes more. 🙏🏻 More Purely Being 💖 ✨ Instagram | @purelybeing 🙏🏻 Website |