Have you ever imagined what the last year of your life will be like? Erin Crawford is a death doula and host of Death and Bitcoin Podcast. She and I have become close pals as we flow into the meaning of life, death, Bitcoin, and beyond. We just did a little jam session part 2 while she is here on her trek across America and who knows where. If you are on a mission to live your most epic life, this is a great episode for you! Follow Erin on Twitter https://twitter.com/Erincrawford41 Please enjoy~ 💥 SUBSCRIBE to Podcast Fountain - BEST Streaming App Apple Spotify 🎧 DJ Mixes DJ Valerie B Love Website ✅ FOLLOW and SHARE on SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter @djvalerieblove Facebook DJ Valerie B Love Linkedin DJ Valerie B Love Instagram DJ Valerie B Love YouTube DJ Valerie B Love 💰 Coldcard 5% Discount Promo Code “CKBTC” https://store.coinkite.com/promo/PEACE