Responsible, Revolutionary Tech – The AI Discussion With Nelson Valderrama of Intuilize

Responsible, Revolutionary Tech – The AI Discussion With Nelson Valderrama of Intuilize

Ready for the AI revolution? That question seems quaint in the wake of apocalyptic scenarios flooding our social feeds. Like it or not, the pin had already been pulled from this grenade long before ChatGPT and BARD AI made headlines. So now what? Nelson Valderrama says there’s no need to run for cover. Instead, the founder of Intuilize has a message for distributors: ditch the dread and embrace artificial intelligence before your competitors do. Jason invited Nelson back to the podcast to expand on their original AI discussion, sort fact from fiction, and provide practical, proactive advice for application in the (very) near future. CONNECT WITH JASON LinkedIn CONNECT WITH NELSON LinkedIn *** Distribution Talk is produced by The Distribution Team, a consulting services firm dedicated to helping wholesale distribution clients remove barriers to profitability, generate wealth and achieve personal goals. For full show notes and services visit: This episode was edited & mixed by The Creative Impostor Studios. Special thanks to our sponsor for this episode: Connected Peers providing virtual communities for wholesale distributors.
