Posterior Chain For Olympic Weightlifting, Squat Accessories, & Wrist Pain ft. Calvin Lackey [Ep. 16]

Posterior Chain For Olympic Weightlifting, Squat Accessories, & Wrist Pain ft. Calvin Lackey [Ep. 16]

In this episode, Coach Brian and Coach Calvin discuss how to build a strong posterior chain for weightlifting, break down the best accessories to build a big squat, and how to avoid wrist pain in the clean! *** RECOMMENDED NEXT EPISODE →Lower Back For Olympic Weightlifting [Ep. 8] *** ASK A COACH →Submit Your Questions Here *** FREE GUIDES 🫡Weightlifting101: 6-Week Beginner Program 🙆‍♂️Mobility101: Guide for Weightlifters 💪Accessories101: Guide for Weightlifters *** COACHING 🏋️‍♂️Free Week: OlyStrong 5-Day Team 🏋️‍♂️Free Week: OlyStrong 3-Day Team 🤝Work 1-on-1 With Calvin: Apply Here *** PROGRAMS 🔥Welcome To Hell: 12-Week Weightlifting Program 🦿The Classic: 16-Week Squat Focused Weightlifting Program 🦍OlyBuilding2.0: 8-Week Olympic Lifting + BodyBuilding Program 🧪Calvin’s 12-Week Weightlifting Program *** CONNECT 📹Subscribe on YouTube ⏰Follow on TikTok 📸Follow on Instagram
