If you've ever lost yourself, found yourself, shaken off your inhibitions, and/or forged community on a dancefloor, then I think you're going to enjoy this week's episode. I was lucky enough to talk to Trevor Campbell, the host of the You Made Me Queer podcast, about Toronto's lost space The Gladstone, and it's mid-week dance party Hump Day Bump where Trevor was found cutting a rug many a night in the 00s. We talk all about accepting the freak you are, figuring out when to put aside your dreams, and weird-things-that-people-say-that-they-think-are-compliments-but-which-just-completely-fuck-with-your-head... ugh. Do you have any memories of The Gladstone, or clubbing from your own queer scene that you want to share? Well, if you have please get in touch - I want to create the biggest online record of people's memories and stories - go to www.lostspacespodcast.com and find the section 'Share a Lost Space' and tell me what you got up to! Bonus points for embarrassing photos! You can also find me on Facebook (www.facebook.com/lostspacespod), Instagram (www.instagram.com/lostspacespod) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/lostspacespod) Find out more about Trevor by listening to the You Made me Queer podcast, wherever you find podcasts, or giving him a wee follow on https://www.instagram.com/youmademequeer and https://twitter.com/youmademequeer