Michael Dumlao is an artist, activist and the author of 'The Wisdom of Guncles', a new book that celebrates the role of gay uncles and highlights the diverse perspectives and lived experiences they have to offer their families. Born in the Philippines, he spent his childhood in Sydney, Australia, and then California before moving to Washington, D.C. in his early 20s. It was here that he made his home, finding his chosen family and laying down roots. We caught up to talk about his early days in the city, going to the lost superclub Velvet Nation, getting hand jobs at foam parties, and *gasp* dating Republicans... Do you have any memories from Velvet Nation, or from your own queer scene that you want to share? Well, if you have please get in touch - I want to create the biggest online record of people's memories and stories - go to www.lostspacespodcast.com and find the section 'Share a Lost Space' and tell me what you got up to! Bonus points for embarrassing photos! You can also find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as @lostspacespod Find out more about Michael by following him on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/michaeldumlao/), and make sure to check out his new book 'The Wisdom of Guncles' - https://tinyurl.com/michaeldumlao