You know how sometimes these conversations are only very, very, very tenuously linked to a queer space, and in the intro I try and come up with some justification for why we didn't talk that much about it to prepare you for the episode ahead? Well, dear listener, this week I'm not even going to try to insult your intelligence by pretending that we talked about a queer space, cause we didn't. I failed you. BUT, that's not to say that it's not a great conversation! I was lucky enough to sit down with Jaimie Kelton, actor, voiceover artist, author and host of the Queer Family podcast. And in our conversation we talk all about what it's like to grow up in one of the gayest cities in the world, San Francisco, but still battle with coming to terms with your own sexuality, how to shed the idea of yourself being a 'good girl', and why the stereotype of the u-haul lesbian is so damn persistent... Do you have any memories of queer spaces that you want to share? Well, if you have please get in touch - I want to create the biggest online record of people's memories and stories - go to and find the section 'Share a Lost Space' and tell me what you got up to! Bonus points for embarrassing photos You can also find me on Facebook (, Instagram ( and Twitter ( Find out more about Jaimie by listening to the Queer Family Podcast, visiting her website (, or following the show on Facebook, Instagram ( or TikTok (