Can you make a musical about anything? Absolutely! From everyday life experiences to fantastical adventures. Today’s guest talks about creating a hospice musical. Imagine being in your bed at the end of life and reflecting in a meaningful way! Where have you been in your journey? Have you thought about what you want people to say about you when you die? Have you conducted an interview with a loved one, how about adding some music to that? Benjamin Kintisch, a creator who has experienced pain and loss amidst moments of comedy, has crafted something of immense power. Mentored by experts, he has penned a musical that showcases his unique talents and perspectives as a chaplain. He’s done a lot of thinking about what it means to age and grieve. Everybody dies in the end! If you don’t have an end of life directive get one today. Have you made your peace, made the calls, written your eulogy? Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space for Controversy. Benjamin Kintisch is a trained chaplain, a music teacher, and a Cantor. He is the creator, lyricist and playwright of “Life Review: The Hospice Musical. ” This musical comedy is the first play he has created. Kintisch has loved singing and performing on stage since his youth. He graduated from Brown University with concentration in Judaic Studies. Graduate studies at Jewish Theological Seminary included a Masters in Sacred Music along with a Cantorial degree. Kintisch has completed four years of chaplaincy training, having served in both hospice and eldercare facilities. Most recently he became a music teacher for elementary students in College Park, MD. He currently lives in Columbia, MD with his wife, daughter, and dog. Connect with Benjamin Connect with Reena Me and my dad would love to hear from you, Drop us a review, reviews help more people find the show, and let us know what you like and what you'd like us to change, Please share the show with one friend who you think would be helped by the show Castmagic is the AI tool I use for show notes and podcast title ideas, it has helped save me tons of time. I talked about it in this episode. Please use my affiliate link if you sign up.