Lead with what you are shy about! Today we are talking about owning the specialness of your story, getting real in the business world, and what being a bully was like! Kerri Twigg became a masterful storyteller and learned it from her daddy! His wild storytelling abilities and talents helped him get back up and rise the ranks in the railroad industry after getting his foot run over by a train! Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy. Kerri Twigg is an international career coach who uses storytelling, mindfulness, and meditation to help people achieve happiness and fulfillment in their job. She trains people how to use stories and mindfulness to love their work more. She worked as a Career Transition Consultant for years and became known for helping people land dream jobs using stories. She even wrote a book about it. She started to see a pattern in her clients and elsewhere. People were in their dream jobs, but they still didn’t feel good. So, if the external circumstances didn’t help, maybe career contentment is actually an inside job. She’s spent the last three years fusing science-informed mindfulness training with career coaching. A few highlights as Founder of Career Stories Consulting Named LinkedIn Top Voice in Workplace and Management Named Top Career Coach to follow by Jobscan Co Earned double her government salary and joined the six-figure club (!) TEDx Talk: Burn Your Old Resume, The Future of Work is Here Contributing writer of the Amazon best-selling book YouMap Before she worked for herself she was a drama educator and playwright. More than any of the jobs listed below, this was her most important work. She spent years teaching people how to feel comfortable being and expressing themselves and writing plays. So much of her coaching work comes from theatre and plays. This work didn’t always pay all her bills so she had these day jobs too: the Career Development Project Manager for New Professionals Network with the Government of Manitoba (Gov’t Manitoba 2016 – 2018) a Career Transition Consultant at an HR firm (specialist in resumes!) (People First, 2013 – 2016) expanding a community arts program & expanding programs (Art City, 2011 – 2013) helping to reduce GHG emissions and bring the community together (Sustainable South Osborne, 2010 – 2011) doubling the revenue of art appreciation tours and classes (Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2008 – 2009) Connect with Kerri https://www.career-stories.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/kerritwigg Connect with Reena https://linktr.ee/bettercalldaddy bettercalldaddy.com linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts twitter.com/reenareena Me and my daddy would love to hear from you, subscribe and drop us a five star review podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy https://youtube.com/c/BetterCallDaddy