With all the worries we have—whether it's about our relationships, family, or financial distress—it is easy to slip into an abyss and feel unsatisfied with life. And as we get busy trying to solve these challenges, we tend to neglect our needs and fall deeper into self-loathing. But the truth is that the path to happiness starts with us. By changing how we perceive the situation and listening to our intuitions, we can all begin to learn how to love ourselves even in the hardest situations. Today's activity will discuss the power of meditation and intuitive listening in finding self-love and satisfaction in life. It will also discuss Deb's journey to mindfulness and how daily meditation and finding a community of like-minded people helped her find happiness. Hopefully, through this activity, you will start your awakening in life and cultivate a mindset that best serves you. QUOTE TO REMEMBER: “I fell in love with me and realized I can do things for myself. It's okay for me to make choices, to do things for myself. By taking care of myself, it made everybody in my house happier.” Do you also feel unsatisfied with your life right now? How so? How did daily meditation help Deb find happiness? Deb's daily meditation practice stemmed from her determination to build commitment and discipline. Did you also have moments in your life when you wanted to do something but didn't fully commit to it? If yes, why did you leave it unfinished? This time, think about the task you want to achieve before 2020 ends. Write down how you plan to accomplish this. Why did Deb think their business would not be a success? What are the things that Deb had to sacrifice when she's running the family business? Can you relate to the challenges she had to face? In what ways? How were you able to overcome those challenges? Or after what you’ve learned from Deb’s experiences, how are you planning to overcome these adversities? What were the things that Deb realized after letting go of their business? After listening to Deb's near-death experience, why do you think listening to intuition is important? For Deb, everybody's intuitive—it just comes down to being open and listening to it and looking for signs. Do you agree with her? Do you also think you have a deep intuitive sense? How so? How do mindset and meditation help you tune into your intuition more? What is the role of childhood experiences in cultivating a “money mindset?” Do you think you're handling your finances responsibly these days? How so? In the podcast, Deb talked about finding a community of like-minded women, which finally made her feel like she belonged. Have you ever felt the same before? Were you able to find a community of which you can also be a part? Who were these people? What are the other positive effects of being part of a community? How does finding and building connections with other people empower you and bring mindfulness to your life? How are you finding connections in this trying time of a global pandemic? What You'll Learn from the Activity: The activity allows you to understand the role of listening to your intuition and meditation in finding satisfaction in life. Just like what Deb shared, her daily meditation practice enables her to find self-love and inspires her to make choices for herself. And Deb's transformation is not only limited to her experiences. By taking care of herself better, she made the people around her happy as well. One of the significant learnings to Deb's incredible journey is the importance of intuitive listening. According to Deb, all people are intuitive, but most do not open their minds and look for signs to understand the energy around them. Your intuition is the ultimate act of believing in yourself. When you listen to your gut, it can help you avoid getting into stressful situations.