Jim knows how to ask for what he wants. He’s worked in construction, joined the National Guard, been a salesman in Saudi Arabia, and became a best selling author. And that’s not all! He currently runs 15 different companies. From his experience with Warren Buffett to constantly reinventing himself, Jim has a lot to say on this week’s episode of Better Call Daddy. You won’t want to miss his pearls of wisdom. Connect with Jim! Website: authorjimwhite.com Book: authorjimwhite.com/broken-america Book: smile.amazon.com/dp/097952167X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_sCvvFbEERBCXJ We all have our own unique “map” which helps us understand ourselves and others. Increased self-awareness is key to maximizing your career and life. The YouMap® assessment reveals your strengths, values, skills, and interests. There is also a YouMap® Youth assessment for kids! To get your personalized YouMap®, go to myyoumap.com and use the code BCD for 20% off!