Everyone has stuff to work through! It’s okay to be where you are! Let’s go deeper and move to where you want to be! With straight talk and humor, Nancy Linnerooth releases subconscious success blocks holding women entrepreneurs back from the next level in their business so they make more money, become more visible, and have a bigger impact. She draws on nine years as a Harvard Law School-trained attorney, seventeen as a therapist, and over fifteen practicing EFT/Tapping. With her help, clients finally follow through on their dreams and create the business—and life—they’ve always wanted. All of which impresses her 14-year-old daughter not one bit. Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy. Connect with Nancy https://www.facebook.com/nancy.linnerooth https://www.linkedin.com/in/nancy-linnerooth Gift for my listeners: a fun quiz that will tell you where you have subconscious success blocks and three tap-along videos to release these common blocks https://unblockresults.com/qz/ A Mindset tap-along for feeling like you don’t deserve success, A Visibility tap-along for the fear that it’s not safe to be seen, and A Profitability tap-along for the belief that making money has to be hard. Nancy will be offering a new MVP Club (for women leaders who know they're meant for more) which will start in January 2022. Anyone who signs up with me before the end of December can get in under the 2021 price before it goes up on January 1st. Details about the MVP Club are at https://UnblockResults.com/the-mvp-club/ Me and my daddy would love to hear from you podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy Leave is a five star review it helps more people find the show ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy Connect with Reena linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts reena@bettercalldaddy.com