Best selling author Judy Thureson opens up about her life on this episode of Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space for Controversy. She shares how trauma affected her life and what allowed her to heal. She talks about her son, famous rapper Hella Sketchy, and how he got started in music. The talented musician signed with Atlantic Records at only 17 years old. She shares what the boy behind the music videos and face tattoos was really like. She talks about the heartbreak she felt when he tragically passed away at 18 years old, and the problems of glamorizing drugs in the music industry. Why do so many musicians die from drug overdoses? Judy talks about her book and tells the Better Call Daddy audience stories she decided not to include in it. This episode will touch your heart, get the tissues ready! Judy Thureson has a genuine desire to see people live their most authentic life. In the last decade, she has helped hundreds of clients focus on their mental, physical, and spiritual health. Judy specializes in high performance coaching. She helps her clients un-lock their supper power! She is passionate about helping her clients grow through adversity and build resilience and strength. In June of 2019, Judy experienced the tragic loss of her eighteen year old son, Jacob to opioid overdose. Her #1 Bestselling book, Beautiful Tragedy chronicles her experience and introduces the GIVE Principle. Judy is a trusted resource for grieving families. She shares tools on how to use healthy coping skills to navigate the storms of grief and uncertainty. Connect with Judy! Instagram: @judythureson Judy’s book: Beautiful Tragedy Website: Download your special gift here: Purchase signed copy here: Paperback and kindle version here: Me and My Daddy would love to hear from you!