What would your life be like if you took an adult gap year? Are there things you’d like to say no to? How can you be the best father and bring yourself joy? “Where do I find my self-worth?” A common question asked when meeting someone new is, “What do you do?” For decades workers were able to find their answer and self-worth in how and to whom they sold their labor. However, it seems that through the Great Resignation, the mindset of finding one's self-worth through a job is going the way of the typewriter or the fax machine in the office. Data is showing that the Great Resignation is less about money and more about lifestyle choices and asking for respect by workers. 57% of those surveyed in a February 2022 Pew Research Center poll cited they “felt disrespected at work” for the reasoning behind their resignation. In addition, a MIT Sloan Management Review article that analyzed one million Glassdoor reviews stated that “Toxic Culture” - in particular feeling disrespected in the workplace - was “ten times more important than compensation in predicting turnover.” Like many others, Roger has found that intentionally living out his life through the completion of items on my bucket list brings him the self-worth he was seeking that a job no longer fulfills. Here are three benefits (plus two bonus benefits) to self-worth that one can find through crossing items off a bucket list: You decide what brings you joy You feel pride through accomplishments you chose You build confidence having your own stories to share Bonus Benefits You become motivated and excited about life You get outside of your bubble Roger is a member of the Great Resignation. In October of 2021, after a heart attack and thirty plus years in the youth development/teaching field, he quit his position to take an “Adult Gap Year.” During this time he traveled and lived around the globe, crossing items off his bucket list and encouraged others to do the same. During this time he also started a podcast called The Crossing It Off Podcast, where he interviews individuals living with intention through items they have crossed off their lists that have experienced these benefits as well. Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy. Roger Williams is a writer, podcaster, adventurer, and Head Crosser Offer of his bucket list. After more than 30 years working in the youth development and teaching field, a year in quarantine, and two heart attacks, Roger embarked on an adult gap year to prioritize a life in which he is known not by his professional work, but by the way he lives his life and the people he grows relationships with. During his gap year he completed a three month solo journey traveling around the world to cross items off his bucket list, inspiring others to do the same. Pew Research Center findings: https://pewrsr.ch/3hVWMfr MIT Sloan Management Review: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/toxic-culture-is-driving-the-great-resignation/ Connect with Roger https://crossingitoffpodcast.com/ Connect with Reena bettercalldaddy.com linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts twitter.com/reenareena instagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts Me and my daddy would love to hear from you subscribe and drop a five star star review podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy