What does it mean to live life label free? We all have labels that society has placed upon us and we need to step into our own voice! Deanna Radulescu has had a colorful life. Deanna's first husband passed away and left her widowed, reevaluating her life at a young age, and figuring out what she wanted! Money is not something she will never chase again, it's all about striving for true happiness. Once you've had it all and it didn't make you happy, it's time to shake things up. Time for second chances! Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy! Deanna Marie Radulescu is the creator and host of Label Free Podcast. At Label Free, she wants her listeners to feel inspired, uplifted, and courageous. On this podcast she discusses how people, as individuals, can break free from the labels that society puts on them, both personally and professionally. Join Deanna for candid interviews with entrepreneurs, artists, health & wellness experts, executives, humanitarians, and more, as they share their personal and professional journeys, while they share wisdom they’ve learned along the way. https://podcasts.apple.com/za/podcast/label-free-to-live-your-best-life-live-label-free/id1473450378 Connect with Deanna https://www.instagram.com/labelfreepodcast/?hl=en https://www.labelfreepodcast.com/ Connect with Reena bettercalldaddy.com http://linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts instagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts twitter.com/reenareena Me and My Daddy would love to hear from you, subscribe and leave us a five star review podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy