Why do we get cool ideas and not act on them? How do you put gratitude and ease into your day? Find out why your ego might actually be keeping you from succeeding in your life! Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. He’s the former Marketing intern for WWE, Host of Shatter The Mold Podcast, and his latest offering, “The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read” offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic — that no other “LOA” book has ever been able to do — by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still can’t manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day. The book has enjoyed continued success, including over 1,000 five-star rave reviews, #1 Best Seller status in multiple categories on Amazon, and a growing YouTube channel devoted to it. Andrew’s also happy to share how he used his techniques to reclaim his own life (in a very little time) after losing his business and his girlfriend all in the same week. The fast changes he experienced in his finances, his love life, and his health blew him away and made him understand why these simple methods weren’t working in the past. Book Listing on Amazon: www.LastLawofAttractionBook.com Andrew’s YouTube Channel: www.YouTube.com/AndrewKap Me and My Daddy would love to hear from you! ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy