89. Lou’s Happy Ending: Wifey Meet Ex-Wifey. Lou Santiago Jr.

What would you think is a more challenging career, a cryptologist, a professional drummer or a preventative medicine doctor? Have you picked one? Great. Now what do you think is more challenging, the job you just chose or introducing your current spouse to your ex-spouse? Can you see where we're going with this one? Today's episode is going to be more intense than you could imagine. We introduce Lou Santiago Jr. and his story is incredible. Tune into another awesome episode of Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space for Controversy. Connect with the world reknown Lou The Drummer! https://instagram.com/louthedrummer?igshid=1mu572gyjfvnh Let’s connect on Instagram: www.Instagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts Let’s connect on Linkedin www.linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts
