What should you be chasing in life other than dollars? What does entrepreneurship mean? How important is it to be in control of your own life? Get busy living, it goes fast! If you want something, see it, and go get it! "It’s not what you do for a living, it’s what you do with, what you do, for a living." What started off as a letter to his daughter turned into an 80,000-word manuscript. Now Ken Rusk is figuring out the business side of writing his book. He didn't know he'd become an author. Today he's talking about visualization and imagining what outcomes will be in advance. Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy. Ken Rusk is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and blue-collar advocate showing that there’s no degree required for comfort, peace, and freedom. Ken spent his younger years digging ditches and working in construction. He never went to college. Instead, he made goals, planned, and worked hard for thirty years. Now, Ken is a very successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses and revenue streams. Ken Rusk specializes in mentoring and has coached hundreds of young people in areas such as short-, mid-, and long-term goal setting, life visualization, career paths, and sound financial planning. He is passionate about helping people achieve their dreams regardless of their educational background or past. Connect with Ken https://www.kenrusk.com/ Connect with Reena https://linktr.ee/bettercalldaddy https://www.youtube.com/c/BetterCallDaddy bettercalldaddy.com linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts twitter.com/reenareena instagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts Me and my daddy would love to hear from you podchaser.com/bettercalldaddy ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy